SKU: SQ0166440

World’s Best Mulberry (3 pack)

Get ready for the world’s best mulberry tree! The black, medium-sized fruit produced by this hybrid Morus alba macroura variety is absolutely delicious, with a taste that’s a perfect blend of blueberry and raspberry. Not only that, but mulberries are known for their immune system-enhancing benefits and may even help improve eyesight. This fast-growing tree is easy to grow and can be pruned to be a shrub if desired. Loved by humans and birds alike, this plant is a must-have for any garden or patio.

To ensure optimal growth, make sure to give this plant plenty of sunlight and keep the soil moist and well-draining. And if you plan to keep it in a pot, be sure to choose a container that’s large enough to prevent the roots from becoming bound.

  • Average mature height: up to 20 ft or pruned for indoor size and shape.

  • Light: Full sun

  • Soil:

  • Hardiness zones: 7-10 or wherever you are if grown patio/indoors!

Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $30.00.

72 in stock

SKU SQ0166440 Category

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